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What is Dental Erosion and Abrasion?

Erosion is the loss of tooth tissue due to some chemical substances. It is usually seen in people who have gastric problems and consume excessive amounts of acidic drinks. 

Abrasion is the loss of tooth tissue due to mechanical causes. Brushing teeth hard with a hard brush can lead to habits such as biting needles.

Tooth erosion and abrasion can be treated with composite filling or porcelain restoration depending on the size.

Why Does Sensitivity Occur in Teeth?

Normally, the enamel layer protects the teeth from external influences such as hot, cold, sour and sweet. If the enamel has been lost due to erosion, abrasion or caries, the sensitive dentin layer, which is the inner layer, is exposed. There are nerve endings in the dentin that transmit stimuli, and therefore sensitivity is felt.

How is Sensitivity Treated? 

In the early stages, commercially available protective and desensitizing toothpastes may be useful. They should be used for long periods of time to ensure sufficient effect. If erosion / abrasion / caries cavity is present, filling is required.